Monday, September 15, 2008

Today was really a good day.  I ate breakfast with my Italian friends from class.  It was really cool.  We talked about the class and our week ends.  
We are going to go look at an apartment on Wednesday so everyone wish us luck.  
I am waiting for Katrina to get home from school in a couple hours.  
I hope everyone is doing great.


Odette said...
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Odette said...

Hey Katrina,

sorry i messed up with the first comment somehow.. i dont know if you remember me but I was an Exchange student from germany in cheryl burgess family.. got this from your mom so i could contact you. I hope you enjoy Germany and maybe we can get in contact


PS: my e-mail is

HallFam said...

Katrina, we don't have an address for you (because you don't have one yet . . . but I'm positive the Lord will provide for you, whether it's this apt on Wednesday or another), so we are adding to your Blog (from my Mom through your Grandma) to tell you we got your letter and we want to wish you an early Happy Birthday. We will get a present out as soon as you have your address.

We are so excited to hear about your adventures in Germany. It was always a dream of mine as well, and we'll get it done sometime (maybe this Spring for our Anniversary). The pictures are simply awesome! Sherri has been renting Rick Steeve's DVD's about travel and we are looking hard at Bavaria (Sherri has relatives from there, and I may as well), or Oesterreich (I love Austria!!) or Schweiz. We hope to get some fun pictures as well, but nothing compares to carving a life out there for a year!!

All is well here, we'll write more when we have addresses -- do you still get your email?

Lots love; your Hall family!!

LizzieB said...

Yeah for blogging!! Now we can keep tabs on you 2!

Dorothy said...

What an adventure! You guys are crazy - but awesome! Curtis and I are planning on moving to Ouxaca, Mexico after graduation, for a while... nervous! Love you both!