Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Travels and the Start of School

Well, where to I start? On Sunday, we got a ride to church! Well, we only half-got a ride to church. We half- bought an all-day ticket and rode the train to the stop where a nice German member lady picked us up and gave us a ride to church. :) We then rode into Stuttgart to figure out how Graydon would be getting to Heidelberg. We walked out having spent much more than we thought we would--about 120 Euro. On the Sabbath. But it is good, because otherwise we wouldn't have found the nice man that said if Graydon brought back a special card, he would refund Graydon's ticket. 

We got home Sunday--exhausted.

Monday, we rode into Stuttgart by train and found my University. It's a good university, but one of the most prevalent things I've noticed is that all the walls are covered in grafiti. On campus. All of them. For all of you utes out there, you know the one big wood thing that is by the union that has papers plastered all over it and looks sort of tacky? Well, that is the way ALL of the columns on my campus are. I was...slightly..disappointed....

So we found the bridges that led to the place where I needed to check in. We waited in line, got a packet, and when to the first stop on a list I had. The bank! Where we WAITED in line for a VERY long time, and got an account set up! Then we went to the insurance guy, set up MOST of what we needed, and found out for Graydon to be added, I needed to bring the wedding license! So we left, and were off to Heidelberg!!

There is grafiti all over the retaining walls that surround the tracks. Interesting grafiti. More than I've seen in my entire life. 

So, we got off at the main station in Heidelberg. And we catch the bus we need to catch, and we get off at Universitaetplatz. And I step off the bus into one of the most unbelievable beautiful places I've been in my life. EVERYWHERE is cobblestone. We were surrounded by big, old buildings. We got off right next to a clock tower. I could not believe we were on a university, it felt like we were on the main street of an old, romantic town. But we were where we needed to be for Graydon. I felt the best I've felt since I arrived in Germany. And I was VERY jealous of Graydon. 

So, we went to the place Graydon needed to be for what turned out to be housing. And we had a problem, because we didn't need housing, we needed to check in. But they don't check in there. So the girl that was helping us walked and brought back a lady who Graydon has been in correspondence with. And she was so good to us, and helped us in every way possible, and I hope she doesn't get in trouble because a couple things we had her do were not quite kosher. Yikes.

And she told me that Heidelberg was a GREAT natural sciences school. Which includes chemistry.

I want to transfer to Heidelberg. It would save a TON of money on train tickets, it may actually be easier to find housing, and I feel more comfortable there. There are just two problems: 1)I don't know if my scholarship would transfer, and if it didn't, I couldn't, and 2)I don't know if I really can at all to begin with. But it would be SO NICE!!

Anyhow, that is really all for now. We love you all! Take care!

1 comment:

Callista said...

Okay...I have two things to say. 1) Who is that strange statue man in your picture and 2)I miss you! Oh, wait! I guess I have three things to say. 3) I laughed very hard at your wonderful blog and my roomie is now looking at me like I have frogs coming out of my ears. haha.
Love you!